Service Updates

Italy – Issues with parcel-post items

Written by Admin | Mar 16, 2021 5:13:07 PM

Poste Italiane, wishes to inform other Union member countries and their designated operators that, owing to very high and unexpected parcel volumes received from non-EU countries, the customs warehouse is experiencing a critical situation.

Poste Italiane is not only facing considerable difficulties in storing and clearing these incoming parcel-post items, but the situation also implies slower transit times from the airmail unit (AMU) to the office of exchange (OE).

Poste Italiane wishes to apologize for any inconvenience caused, but would emphasize that staff are making every effort to clear the backlog. It suggests that partners inform their customers of possible delays resulting from the current situation.

Poste Italiane thanks member countries for their consideration and will inform once the situation is back to normal.