How can retailers improve returns and reduce costs?

12 June, 2023

E-Commerce Returns

As Key Market Development Manager for e-PAQ Returns by Asendia, Jonathan Tubb is best placed to provide expert insight to retailers on how to manage and improve their returns process, whilst reducing costs. 

This interview is an extract from the DeliveryX Returns Report 2023. You can download the full report here


With a cost focus in 2023, why should retailers invest in their returns process?

We recently surveyed 800 global retailers and found that on average 23% of orders are returned. That’s an alarming volume, but not surprising with e-commerce growth, new generational buying behaviour and the influence of social commerce. Retailers tend to keep delivery processes front-of-mind for customer satisfaction and efficiency, and returns are often forgotten; especially cross-border returns that can be manual and time-consuming. There are a lot of cost wins that can be achieved by streamlining your returns process. And, as shopper loyalty now more than ever is essential, there isn’t a better time to do it.


How can technology assist with order and return efficiency?

Today’s shopper expects more but also has less time. Technology and automation can support both the shopper and retailer to have a better user experience, improve efficiency and save costs. As an example, almost 1 in 4 (24%) global retailers have said that they will be looking at personalisation/size and fit tools in 2023. This type of tool will improve the order experience and reduce the volume of returns. We’re also seeing a demand for return tracking notifications. Seeing their live return process provides shoppers with the information they need; therefore it reduces customer support request time and costs for the retailer. Technology can also support important analytics and data to identify patterns and trends.


Should retailers charge shoppers to return items?

They could, but with the cost of living at a high, it should be done with a justifiable reason and a positive communications approach. Introducing this charge for sustainability reasons could appeal well to shoppers. 22% of global shoppers told us that they would pay more for delivery and return services if their returned goods would be donated or re-used. 26% said that they would pay more for 100% carbon neutral delivery and return services. Additional shopper return benefits can also explain a returns charge, such as a choice of first-mile carrier and drop-off options, tracking notifications and a faster refund.  


How can retailers see an immediate increase in return efficiency?

They can review their process to look for returns solutions that integrate into their systems, increase speed, offer choice, and improve customer satisfaction. A logistics partner could also support faster return processing by grading and inspecting goods at a nearby returns centre. If your company doesn’t have overseas warehouses or isn’t international, then an international logistics partner could also provide support and expertise on customs and duties for returns.


What is e-PAQ Returns by Asendia?

e-PAQ Returns by Asendia offers an end-to-end returns platform, backed by Asendia’s extensive global reverse logistics network and ESW technology.

The solution delivers a simple returns process with a shopper friendly and easy to use online portal, best in class, in-country logistic choice with high density drop off locations, paperless labelling options and live tracking, scanning, inspection and grading in our Return Centres allow retailers to process payments through configurable trigger points.

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