Brazil – Emergency 10-day holiday

22 March, 2021


Empresa Brasileira de Correios e Telégrafos, asks us to inform other Union member countries and their designated operators that, owing to the critical COVID-19 situation in Brazil, the city of São Paulo has decreed an emergency 10-day holiday, from 26 March to 4 April 2021.

Postcode areas impacted:

01000-000 to 05999-999

08000-000 to 08499-999

Given the current restrictions, the Brazilian Post cannot guarantee service delivery standards (including delivery times and other quality parameters, transmission of scanning events, quality of service link to terminal dues) in the above-mentioned postcodes. This applies to all UPU products (letter-post, parcel-post and EMS items).

The Brazilian Post thanks all Union member countries and their designated operators for their understanding.